- Film & Fernsehen: Drehbücher, Treatments, Voiceover Texte, und Untertitel vom Deutschen ins Englische übersetzt
- Kunst & Kultur: Katalogtexte, Kritiken, Interviews, Zeitungsartikel, Pressemitteilungen
- Verlagswesen: Kataloge, Zeitschriften & Magazine, Bücher, Kurzgeschichten, grafische Erzählungen & Comics
- Tourismus: Magazine, Webseiten, Werbung
- Webseiten: Lokalisierung, Texte
- Industrie: Werbung, Industrie, Bildung, WBT & CBT, Technische Fächer, Sozialwesen, Architektur
Film & Fernsehen
- The Poles Are Coming / Ein Pole kommt selten allein (documentary film treatment), Gebrueder Beetz Film Produktion
- Head Cold / Schnupfen im Kopf (subtitles, press & other div. texts), Gamma Bak Filmproduktion
- Transfer (subtitles), Schiwago Film GmbH
- Cheek to Cheek – An Argentinean Discovers Finnish Tango / Wange an Wange – Ein Argentinier entdekt den Finnischen Tango (documentary film treatment), Gebrueder Beetz Film Produktion
- Emotional Hardcore (documentary film treatment), Gebrueder Beetz Film Produktion
- Life Above the Clouds / Leben über den Wolken (documentary film treatment), ma.ja.de. filmproduktions
- Edi Rama – Albanien im Aufbruch / Edi Rama – Albania on the Move (documentary film treatment), ma.ja.de. filmproduktions
- Superwoman (documentary film treatment), Gebrueder Beetz Film Produktion
- God Bless Iceland (voiceover texts, synopses), ma.ja.de. filmproduktions
- The Kleist File / Die Akte Kleist (treatment & storyboards), Gebrueder Beetz Film Produktion
- The Shoe, the Shirt and the Saint – Children of the Transition: Coming of Age after the Fall of Socialist Yugoslavia (documentary film treatment), Gebrueder Beetz Film Produktion
- From Ramstein with Love / Liebesgrüsse aus Ramstein (documentary film treatment, subtitles, voiceover), Lichtfilm
- FEHA Lasertec Halle GmbH (promotional film voiceover), Firma VIDEO ASSE
- Cu-Ma-Tec GmbH (promotional film voiceover), Firma VIDEO ASSE
- Die Galerie, Frankfurt am Main (diverse website texts, press releases, flyers on: André Masson, Guy Ferrer, Korean artists of Die Galerie Seoul), Die Galerie Frankfurt am Main
- "raumsichten (spacespectives) extends kunstwegen": Ranking of Issues, Plans and Project Zones (project report & planning), Dirk Moehlman kunstwegen EWIV Städtische Galerie Nordhorn
- Antje Schiffers/Thomas Sprenger – Ich bin gerne Bauer und möchte es auch gerne bleiben / I Like Being A Farmer and I Would Like To Stay One (exhibition press release), Städtische Galerie Nordhorn
- Tim Stapel – A3 / 26 (press release), Galerie Andrieu Berlin
- Elisabeth Sonneck – Minus Space (press release), Galerie Andrieu Berlin
- Elisabeth Sonneck – Passion for Colour (press release), Galerie Andrieu Berlin
- The Unbearable Lightness of Jérôme Boutterin's Paintings (catalogue text), Galerie Andrieu Berlin
Kataloge, Zeitschriften, Bücher
- German Short Films 2009 (short film catalogue of AG Kurzfilm – German Short Film Association), AG Kurzfilm
- Trialog, Zeitschrift für das Planen und Bauen in der Dritten Welt (issue 98 – Forced Evictions: editing & translation of diverse articles), Trialog e.V.
- Trialog, Zeitschrift für das Planen und Bauen in der Dritten Welt (issue 99 – East Africa: editing & translation of diverse articles), Trialog e.V.
- Felix Pestemer: Polvo – Tag der Toten / Día de los Muertos / Day of the Dead (book text), Puttbill Verlag, Berlin
- 18th dokumentART / European Filmfestival Neubrandenburg 2009 (catalogue texts), Latücht – Film & Medien e.V.
- Fokus Figur / Focus Figure – 30 Years of DIE GALERIE (exhibition catalogue, 144 pages), Die Galerie, Frankfurt am Main
- IbizaNow Magazine (diverse articles: (tourist) The Second to Last of the Mohicans, (art) The Majorcan Guillem Nadal at Espacio Micos—The Magic of Timeless Sensation and Mentation, (art) Frank Delange at the Atzaró—Mediterranean Inspiration, (tourist) Stirred or Shaken?, (culture) Humour and Poetry, Current News, July 2009 (12 articles), Cultural Activities (4 Notices), (fashion) The Allure of Summer, (personality) From Ibiza to the European Parliament, diverse restaurant reviews), IbizaA Z.com
- Saxon-Anhalt Tourist Information (Quedlinburg Garrison Museum, Neuwegersleben Optical Telegraph Station, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Museum Burg Querfurt, Bad Lauchstädt Historic Spa Park and Goethe Theatre, Museum Schloss Bernburg, Lyonel Feininger Gallery, Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, Bismarck Museum in Schönhausen, Endowment Moritzburg), Coulmann & Coulmann Handelsgesellschaft
- Basics of Anti-Trust, Anti-Fraud Factsheet, Internal Controls (product factsheets), digital spirit
- Compliance Code of Conduct, Compliance Combating Corruption, Compliance Tracking and Certification System (product factsheets), digital spirit
- KPM – Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur (advertising texts), Anne Stephan Grafik Design
- Fattoria Nittardi, Italy (diverse press releases, advertisement texts), Stefania Canali / Fattoria Nittardi
- Contract Law for Non-Lawyers, IT Security Videos, Christmas Gifts (product factsheets), digital spirit
- Technical Consultation: The House Building Programme of the FREDA Organisation in Myanmar: Phase 1(2009) Progress Report: 13.01. 2009 – 01.02.2009, 26.04.2009 – 23.05.2009, 02.08. 2009 – 29.08.2009 in Myanmar (NGO project report), private client
Film & Fernsehen
- Transfer (feature-length screenplay by Damir Lukacevic), Schiwago Film GmbH
- Cain & Abel (feature-length screenplay by Claudiu Grubaciki Raymond), Snipeshot.de
- Cuba in Transition / Kuba im Umbruch (documentary film treatment, in development), Gebrueder Beetz Film Produktion
- Canima (feature-length horror film by Andreas Marschall, in development), Morrin Translations
- The Most Secret Place on Earth – The CIA's Covert War in Laos / Amerikas geheimer Krieg in Laos – Die größte Militäroperation der CIA (voiceover texts), Gebrüder Beetz Film Produktion
- The Face (feature-length horror film by Andreas Marschall, in development), Morrin Translations
- Venus Hottentot (feature-length drama by Gerhard J. Rekel, in development), Morrin Translations & Thomas Koerfer Film AG
- Berlin 36 (feature-length screenplay by Kaspar Heidelbach), Morrin Translations
- Big Game (feature-length horror film by Christoph Zachariae, in development), Morrin Translations
- The Voice (film treatment), Morrin Translations / media content factory berlin
- Absolute Freedom (screenplay, multi-character drama, in development), Morrin Translations
- Hotel Sahara (documentary film press texts), Gebrueder Beetz Film Produktion
- Arabic Blood / Edles Halblut (documentary film treatment, in development), Lichtfilm GmbH
- 100 Year of Hollywood / 100 Jahre Hollywood (documentary film treatment), Gebrueder Beetz Film Produktion
- Starfighter – A High-Tech Death / Starfighter – Mit Hightech in den Tod (documentary film treatment), Lichtfilm GmbH
- Pioneers Turned Millionaires – Germans Who Changed American Industry / Vom Pionier zum Millionär (treatment for a documentary series), Gebrueder Beetz Film Produktion
- Liverpool – Beat City (documentary film treatment), Lichtfilm GmbH
- Creating a New Human Race in the Soviet Union / Menschenlabor Sowjetunion (documentary film treatment), Lichtfilm GmbH
- Victor Segalen's 1914 Expedition in Sichuan 1914 / Victor Segalens Expedition in Sichuan im Jahr (documentary film treatment), Gebrueder Beetz Film Produktion
- The Woman in Red / Die Frau im roten Kleid (documentary film synopsis), unique productions
- Dennis Loasch: Numerous (exhibition press release), Jan Winkelmann/Berlin
- Nina Tobien: Downstairs – Uptight (exhibition press release), Jan Winkelmann/Berlin
- Stéphane Dafflon: Cocktail (exhibition press release), Jan Winkelmann/Berlin
- Benjamin Valenza: Nothing Belongs To Me (exhibition press release), Jan Winkelmann/Berlin
Kataloge, Zeitschriften, Bücher
- German Short Films 2008 (short film catalogue of AG Kurzfilm – German Short Film Association), AG Kurzfilm
- Short Report 2008 (short film annual of AG Kurzfilm – German Short Film Association), AG Kurzfilm
- Klaus Zylla 2008 (exhibition catalogue, 128 pages), Die Galerie, Frankfurt am Main
- Saxon-Anhalt Tourist Information (Martin Luther's Birth House), Coulmann & Coulmann Handelsgesellschaft
- Final Progress Report for Banda Aceh, Samalanga and Batu Bedulang (NGO progress report), private client
- 3. Progress Report for Banda Aceh, Samalanga and Batu Bedulang (NGO progress report), private client
- Ford Bodyshop Management (web-based training screenplay), digital spirit
- Fattoria Nittardi, Italy (vineyard info sheet & press release 2008), Stefania Canali / Fattoria Nittardi
- BASF Podcasts: Hydrophobin, Organic Photovoltaic, Using Vitamins to Counter Malnutrition (podcast scripts), Morrin Translations
- KPM – Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur (misc. flyer and advertisement texts), Anne Stephan Grafik Design
- eLearning – Sales Qualification (ppt. presentation), digital spirit
- Compliance Competence: An Introduction (product factsheet), digital spirit
- Compliance for Banks, Corporate Sustainability (product factsheets), digital spirit
- Barrier-Free Learning with Electronic Media (product factsheet), digital spirit
- Telco WBT Managed Activation Service & Telco WBT Security (product factsheets), digital spirit
Film & Fernsehen
- Stories from Elsewhere – The Big Brainstorm / Geschichten von Anderswo – Das Gedankenspiel (voiceover text), unique productions
- The Weapons of the Hanseatic League – Aldermen at War / Mit den Waffen der Hanse – Ratsherren im Kampf (documentary film voiceover text), Holger Seidel Production
- Hotel Sahara (info texts and expose for the documentary by Bettina Haasen), Gebrueder Beetz Filmproduktion
- The Refinement / Die Verfeinerung (unproduced screenplay of the cult novel by Michael Domas), Subs Hamburg GbR
- The Future is Now! The Avant-Garde Art of China Conquers the Market / Die Zukunft ist jetzt! Chinas Kunst Avantgarde erobert den Markt (treatment for an ARTE Series (4x26 minutes), by Marco Wilms), Gebrueder Beetz Filmproduktion
- The Seamstresses / Die Näherinnen (documentary film treatment), Gebrueder Beetz Filmproduktion
- PIAZZA.PASTA.POPE. (unproduced screenplay by Eduard Habsburg, Dirk Hamm, Julika Riekenberg), Creado Film
- The Berlin Central Station – A Reflection of German History / Der Berliner Hauptbahnhof – Ein Spiegel deutscher Geschichte (documentary film treatment by Andreas Pichler and Maria Zinfert), Gebrueder Beetz Filmproduktion
- Sovia (subtitles to the feature film by Robert Franke), cmate films
- The Bookworm – Searching for the Past in Hitler's Library / Die Leseratte – Spurensuche in Hitlers Bibliothek (treatment, in development), Gebrueder Beetz Filmproduktion
- Comrade Couture (documentary film treatment), Looks Film & TV Productions
- Tarantella – Kiss of the Spider / Tarantella – der Kuss der Spinne (documentary film treatment), Gebrueder Beetz Filmproduktion
- Volume II – How Does It Feel? (press release), Jan Winkelmann/Berlin
- Carsten Fock: Black (press release), Jan Winkelmann/Berlin
- Dennis Loesch – Berlin: Neueröffnung Neueröffnung (press release), Jan Winkelmann/Berlin
- Time that Be (catalogue text by Georg Diez on the artist Carsten Fock), Jan Winkelmann/Berlin
- Tilo Schultz: Back Stage – In Memory of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (press release), Jan Winkelmann/ Berlin
- Dennis Loesch: "Hello Fashions" – Winter 2007/2008 (press release), Jan Winkelmann/Berlin
- Heinz Kasper: Idea and Concept (exhibition/installation proposal text), ArtLab Studios GmbH
- Dennis Oppenheim: Park of the Future (project proposal), Kunstraum Potsdam/Trollwerk Art e.V.
Kataloge, Zeitschriften, Bücher
- DOC Leipzig (diverse catalogue texts), DOC Leipzig
- Robert Combas – Joke'r (exhibition catalogue), Die Galerie, Frankfurt
- Claudio Massini (selected texts exhibition catalogue), Die Galerie, Frankfurt
- Maria Guitart Ferrer & Felix Pestemer: Violet Rockweiler and the Monster Botany (unpublished children's book), Putbill Productions, Berlin
- Fattoria Nittardi (the history of the vineyard), Stefania Canali / Fattoria Nittardi
- Trialog, Zeitschrift für das Planen und Bauen in der Dritten Welt (issue 93 – Imposing European Urban Structures: editing & translation of diverse articles), Trialog e.V.
- Trialog, Zeitschrift für das Planen und Bauen in der Dritten Welt (issue 94 – Public Housing Policies in Asia and Latin America: editing & translation of diverse articles), Trialog e.V.
- Generation Einstein: Brighter, Quicker and More Socially Minded – Communicating with Young People in the 21st Century (correction of the translation of the Book by Jeroen Boschma and Inez Groen), Keesie Holland
- Saxon-Anhalt Tourist Information (The Regional Museum Harkerode, Municipal Museum Oschersleben, Peace Race Museum and Halberstadt Cathedral, etc.), Coulmann and Coulmann Handelsgesellschaft
- 1st & 2nd Progress Report for Banda Aceh, Samalanga and Batu Bedulang (NGO progress report), private client
- KWKG – War Weapons Control Act (web-based training program), digital spirit
- Software Engineering (info flyer), digital spirit
- Compliance University (info flyer and corporate-specific proposal), digital spirit
- Information Security (updated WBT texts & info sheets), digital spirit
- Info Protect (storyboard to product trailer), digital spirit
- Kaakstedt Biogas Plant – First Section (company info sheet), Gesellschaft für Umwelttechnik Messtechnik & Analytik
- eLearningStudio (product fact sheet), digital spirit
- Information Security at Robert BOSCH (WBT proposal), digital spirit
- Application of the Body Shop Process (WBT proposal), digital spirit
- Distribution Performance Measurement for Competitive Advantage (dissertation), private client
Film & Fernsehen
- Jew by Choice (documentary film treatment), Gebrueder Beetz Filmproduktion
- Baby, Hamster and Batman (treatments to 3 commercials for Bank Austria Creditanstalt), Glass Film GmbH Hamburg
- Snowblood by Christoph Zachariae (unproduced feature-length screenplay), Morrin Translations
- Let Yourself Go – The Lives of Fred Hersch / Let Yourself Go – Die Leben des Fred Hersch (documentary film treatment for Katja Duregger), Morrin Translations
- Lauf der Dinge (subtitles, feature-length film by Rolf S. Wolkenstein), Subs Hamburg
- His Last Project / The Sorcerer in Niedernhall (subtitles, feature-length film by Gunther Merz), Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg (Ludwigsburg)
- Katarina Löfström: Props (press release), Jan Winkelmann/Berlin
- Plamen Dejanoff: Planets of Comparison (press release), Jan Winkelmann/Berlin
- Susanne Weirich: Silent Playground (catalog text by Daniel Hermsdorf for the exhibition "Playrooms" at the Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg, 2005), Bramkamp & Weirich GbR, Berlin
- BURGHARD: Art Statements (press release), Jan Winkelmann/Berlin
- Global Traces II: An International Project for Women Writers and Artists of all Nations (project proposal), Pyramid Exhibition Centre, Berlin
- Press Reviews of Robert Bramkamp's The Boat God of the Lakeside Sports Club ("Film of the Month" by Michael Girke/Konkret; "It's Just a God Doing the Job!" by Brigitte Werneburg/TAZ), Bramkamp & Weirich GbR, Berlin
Kataloge, Zeitschriften, Bücher
- Franz Hitzler – Bilder 1970-2006 (exhibition catalogue), Die Galerie, Frankfurt
- Filmfest Dresden 2007 (film festival catalogue: film plotlines, filmmaker bios, German film festival descriptions), Morrin Translations
- Trialog, Zeitschrift für das Planen und Bauen in der Dritten Welt (issue 90 – Urban Coalitions: editing & translation of diverse articles), Trialog e.V.
- Saxon-Anhalt Tourist Information (Merseburg Chapter House, Naumburg Cathedral Treasure Vault, Museum Kleines Schloss, Natural History Museums and Collections of Saxony-Anhalt, etc), Coulmann & Coulmann Handelsgesellschaft
- Edius Video Editing Program Training Video (24 voiceover scripts), Video Asse
- Niederberger Consortium (company presentation film), Morrin Translations
- Distribution Effectiveness for Competitive Advantage: A Comparative Assessment of Newspaper Publishers and Distributors in Germany, the UK and the US (dissertation status report), private client
- Digital Tachograph FAQ Sheet (product info sheet), digital spirit
- Regulatory Changes in the Use of Tachographs (informational newsletter), digital spirit
- Teleroute Resale Contract & Terms of Agreement (contract), digital spirit
- Motiva (project proposal for an online solution for Philips Medizinsysteme GmbH), digital spirit
- 500 Years Glashütte (corporate brochure), Morrin Translations
Film & Fernsehen
- The Colonial Misunderstanding by Jean-Marie Teno (film distribution strategy), Bärbel Mauch Film
- Don't Mention the War by Frank-Peter Lenze (unproduced screenplay), Morrin Translations
- The Meadow Show (storyboards & screenplays), Morrin Translations
- Once to the Moon and Back by Fred Grimm (unproduced documentary film treatment), Gebrueder Beetz Filmproduktion
- Father Figuring: Putting Together the Broken Pieces of a Life / Die Vatersucherin by Sandra Löhr and Dietmar Ratsch (documentary film treatment), Indi Film GmbH & Morrin Translations
- The Deepest Holes in the World (info texts & press release to a 3-episode documentary, 3x45 min., by Hartmut Jahn & Armin Fausten), Jahn Film Produktion
- Nude Model: Inge – For Franz by Jan Berg (film information), Jahn Film Produktion
- Gefühlte Temperatur by Katharina Schöde (subtitles), Subs Hamburg GbR
- Hein Fach by Sebastian Poerschke (subtitles), Subs Hamburg GbR
- Zero Hero, Fassbinder, ALIVE/Chaim, Der Briefträger, Grenzgäner, Lal (subtitles), Subs Hamburg GbR
- Antonio Negri – A Revolt that Never Ends / Antonio Negri – Eine Revolte, die nicht endet by A. Pichler & A. Weltz (informational texts to the documentary film), Gebruder Beetz Filmproduktion
- 48th International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Films (general and press info, selected texts), DOK Leipzig Film Festival
- The Assaulted Dream / Asalto al suenio by Uli Stelzner (documentary film information), Gebrueder Beetz Filmproduktion
- The Boat God of the Lakeside Sports Club by Robert Bramkamp (subtitles, feature-length film), Bramkamp Weirich GbR
- The Whisperers – A Journey through the World of the Interpreter / Die Flüsterer – A Journey through the World of the Interpreter by D. Bernet and C. Beetz (film info & press), Arte Films & Gebrueder Beetz Filmproduktion
- Houwelandt (subtitles to the feature-length documentary film by Jörg Adolph, 103 min.), Subs Hamburg GbR
- Between Insanity and Beauty – The Art Collection of Dr. Prinzhorn / Zwischen Wahnsinn und Kunst – Die Sammlung Prinzhorn (documentary film), Gebrueder Beetz Filmproduktion
- A Different View (unproduced documentary film by Carmen Butta), Gebrueder Beetz Filmproduktion
- The Veterinarian Hospital: When Animals Have to be Operated / Traumberuf Tierarzt (10-episode documentary series, 10x26 min., by Reinhardt Beetz and Dr. Matthias Michael), ZDF/Arte & Gebrueder Beetz Filmproduktion
- KuBus – Her Dream Job: Conductor by Cuini Amelio Ortiz & Hector Navarrete (subtitles & voiceover), Subs Hamburg GbR
- KuBus – How German May One Sing? by Kirsten Kummer (subtitles & voiceover), Subs Hamburg GbR
- Code 82 (film treatment to an unproduced film by Hans Weingartner and Katharina Held), y3 Films
Kataloge, Zeitschriften, Bücher
- Ticket to God (by Jens Harder, published in "Cargo: Comic Journalism Israel-Germany"), Avanti-Verlag, Berlin
- Montage and Image Environments: Narrative Forms in Contemporary Video Art (by Elke Bippus & Dirck Möllmann, in "Present Continuous Past(s). Media Art Strategies of Presentation, Mediation and Dissemination"), Spinger, Vienna/New York
- Hartmut Jahn: Babylon Circus (numerous texts), Cornerhouse Publications & Verlag für moderne Künst, Manchester/Nürenberg
- Filmfest Dresden Festival Catalogue 2006 (diverse texts), Morrin Translations
- Ceci n'est pas une femme (forward by Peter Delius to "Woman by Woman"), Prestel Verlag
- Trialog, Zeitschrift für das Planen und Bauen in der Dritten Welt (issue 87 – Violence & Insecurity in Cities: editing & translation of diverse articles), Trialog e.V.
- Trialog, Zeitschrift für das Planen und Bauen in der Dritten Welt (issue 86 – Education and Research on Habitat and Urban Development in Asia, Africa and Latin America: editing & translation of diverse articles), Trialog e.V.
- Paraworld (computer game screenplay, version 1), Morrin Translations
- Georg Brandes – An Appeal to Europe's Conscious (A lecture from 1903 on the Armenian Genocide, originally translated from Danish into German by Hanns Grössel), private client
- The Armenian Genocide Is A Fact – History Cannot Be Rewritten (informational pamphlet on the Armenian Genocide by Ovanes Papelian), private client
- Some Doubts of an Ordinary Member of AI at the Outset of the Second Term of AI's Present Secretary General (paper by Jürgen Oestereich [Group 1324] for the annual Amnesty International meeting), private client
- Chess Olympiad Dresden 2008 (info brochure), Morrin Translations
Film & Fernsehen
- Kinky Days (unproduced feature-length film by Gunar Hochheiden), Morrin Translations
- Rendez-Vous in another Dimension (short film treatment & budget proposal by Berte Neraal), Morrin Translations
- You Minus Me (unproduced feature-length film by Miguel Barreda Delgado & Ozan Sinan), Lab One
- Will Smith Comes to Town (unproduced television format for Universal/Thorsten König), Lab One
- Arabian Rally (synopsis for an unproduced film by Gunar Hochheiden), Morrin Translations
- Stroke by Katarina Peters (film description & press release for an episode of "Das kleine Fernsehspiel"), Katarina Peters Filmproduktion/ZDF
- Fötus Gott in Memme, Glückstag, Klugbeißer, Superköche, Toggo, Daniel & Dubrovnik, Happy Family, Make My Day (short film subtitles), Subs Hamburg GbR
- Antonio Negri – A Revolt that Never Ends / Antonio Negri – Eine Revolte, die nicht endet (subtitles), Subs Hamburg GbR
- Filmfest Dresden 2004 (press release), Morrin Translations
- Judith Siegmund: Social Noises – Steiermak, Upper-Mur Region, Graz (diverse texts and transcripts to the art exhibition), Forum Stadtpark Graz
- Global Traces: An International Project for Women Artists of All Nations (project proposal for the Women's Museum, Bonn)
Kataloge, Zeitschriften, Bücher
- Filmfest Dresden 2004 Finalized Program Selection (catalogue texts for the 2004 Dresden Film Fest), Morrin Translations, Berlin
- Cityzooms/Up-and-Coming Film Festival Hanover (catalogue texts), Subs Hamburg GbR
- Secorvo Security Consulting: IT Security Introductory Workshop by Stefan Gora (face-to-face training seminar), Secorvo Security Consulting
- Back to Gaya The Adventures of Zino and Boo – The Game (computer game based on the movie), Morrin Translations
- Ramses II Internal Control Framework (web-based training program), digital spirit
- Decide Integrated Trading System (web-based training program), digital spirit
- E-Learning Seminar: More Value for More Customers (face-to-face training proposal), digital spirit
- Bosch IT Information Security (web-based training program), digital spirit
- ThyssenKrupp IT Information Security (web-based training program), digital spirit
- Pre-clinical Medical Education (project for medical students in the United States of America; proposal for an on-line training program), digital spirit
- Computer Viruses, Worms and Trojan Horses (educational video texts), digital spirit
- Health Care Markets (web-based training program), digital spirit
- RedDot Web Page Editing Guide, Uploading Instructions, & www.boell.de Editorial Standards Manual (program instructions), heinrich boll stiftung
Film & Fernsehen
- Wie ich ein Höhlenmaler wurde (subtitles to the art film by Jan Peters), Subs Hamburg GbR
- Bernhard Winking: Architecture & the City (subtitles), Subs Hamburg GbR
- Electrons (film treatment), Morrin Translations
- Nikos, The Impaler (film treatment), Subs Hamburg GbR
- Comets (film treatment), Morrin Translations
- Cuba, 1 Before 2 and Back, Battle Yarou, Ceramic Horse, A Day In Life (subtitles), Subs Hamburg GbR
- Nachts, wenn der Tag Beginnt (screenplay to the film by Christian Görlitz), Subs Hamburg GbR
- Luther (dialog transcription), Morrin Translations
- Hong Li Dreams of Ice Tea / Eislimonade für Hong Li (screenplay to the film by Arek Gielnik & Dietmar Ratsch), Morrin Translations
- The Snurks / Back to Gaya (screenplays [V.1 & V.2] to the film by Lenard Fritz Krawinkel & Holger Tappe), Morrin Translations
- Time Zones (unproduced feature-length film by Thomas Bohn), Morrin Translations
- Madagascar (unproduced feature-length film by Ivan Fila), Morrin Translations
- Pacific Palisades (unproduced feature-length film by Ivan Fila), Morrin Translations
- Rain (unproduced feature-length film by Frank-Peter Lenze), Morrin Translations
- Superheroes with Slapstick Talents – The Wrestlers of Mexico (documentary film treatment by Stefanie Köhne), Morrin Translations
- Kuscheldoktor (children's film directed by Anja Jacobs), Subs Hamburg GbR
Kataloge, Zeitschriften, Bücher
- Trialog, Zeitschrift für das Planen und Bauen in der Dritten Welt (issue 79 – Tourism and Development: editing & translation of diverse articles), Trialog e.V.
- Trialog, Zeitschrift für das Planen und Bauen in der Dritten Welt (issue 78 – Social Production of Housing in Latin America: editing & translation of diverse articles), Trialog e.V.
- Trialog, Zeitschrift für das Planen und Bauen in der Dritten Welt (issue 77 – Infrastruktur und Entsorgung: editing & translation of diverse articles), Trialog e.V.
- Urban Development in Europe (texts to the EU Congress), Vaillant & Vonderstein Text Services Berlin
- i-mode Interviews (interview transcriptions), Cine Plus Media Service GmbH & Co. KG
- i-mode Interviews (correction of French to English translations), Subs Hamburg GbR
- i-mode (product presentation film), Cine Plus Media Service GmbH & Co. KG
- Successful Services – Innovations, Markets, Customers, Work (5th Services Conference of the BMBF, Berlin congress informational brochure), English Express
- Target Your Website (company brochure), Target New Media
1999 - 2002
Film & Fernsehen
- Bonhoeffer, Agent of Grace / Bonhoeffer – Die Letzte Stufe (screenplay to the film by Eric Till), Morrin Translations
- The Pandora Incident (unproduced feature-length film), Morrin Translations
- Goa, Darjeeling Railway and Fatehpur Sikri (3 episodes of the TV Series: "Treasures of the World – Heritage of Mankind" / "Schätze der Welt – Erbe der Menschheit"), Cine Plus Media Service GmbH & Co. KG
- Emma (feature-length film), Morrin Translations
- Krabat & the Devil's Mill (feature-length film), Morrin Translations
- Go Wild West: The Adventure Format for City Slickers (unproduced reality television series), Morrin Translations
- Close to the Edge (feature-length film by Ivan Fila), Morrin Translations
- Junior (approx. 250 animation film scripts, 1 to 2 minutes long), Morrin Translations
- Swimming Pool (screenplay to the film by Boris von Sychowski), Morrin Translations
- Checkpoint (feature-length screenplay), Freex & Morrin Translations
- Liebe ist Stärker als der Tod (screenplay to the film by Dominique Othenin-Girard), Morrin Translations
- Templar Blood (two-part television movie directed by Florian Baxmeyer), Morrin Translations
- Florian (television movie directed by Dominique Othenin-Girard), Morrin Translations
- Southeast Passage (dialogue translation), Morrin Translations
- Antonia (feature-length screenplay), Freex/Bavaria Studio & Morrin Translations
- Prishtina Social Noises (diverse exhibition texts), Kosova Art Gallery
- Daniel Libeskind / Architecture of Rememberence (exhibition text for the Jewish Museum, Berlin), x:hibit GmbH
Kataloge, Zeitschriften, Bücher
- Ditter's Gourmet Guide Germany (tourist guide by Bernd Ditter, Holger Hof & Ernst Doerr, ISBN-10: 3933180325, ISBN-13: 978-3933180322), Finanzplatz Deutschland & Dr. Bernd Ditter Kommunikation & Marketing GmbH
- Trialog, Zeitschrift für das Planen und Bauen in der Dritten Welt (issue 73 – Disaster Relief & Emergency Assistance: editing & translation of diverse articles), Trialog e.V.
- Trialog, Zeitschrift für das Planen und Bauen in der Dritten Welt (issue 71 – Eco-technology: editing & translation of diverse articles), Trialog e.V.
- Trialog, Zeitschrift für das Planen und Bauen in der Dritten Welt (issue 70 – Peripheries: editing & translation of diverse articles), Trialog e.V.
- Trialog, Zeitschrift für das Planen und Bauen in der Dritten Welt (issue 69 – South(ern) Africa: editing & translation of diverse articles), Trialog e.V.
- Service Kontor (website text), Berlin
- CallistoGen (website text), Scholz & Friends
- Yeelab Educational Environments (brochure & website texts)
- Atari Teenage Riot (diverse texts), Morrin Translations
- Production Environment Proposal (web-based training proposal), digital spirit GmbH
- Latin American Architecture in Germany (firm description/info release), GALA - Grupo de Arquitectos Latinoamericanos
- Die Konferenz (voiceover text for an AstraZeneca product film), Dr. Bernd Ditter Kommunikation & Marketing GmbH
- Collonil (voiceover text for a Collonil product presentation film), Salzenbrodt GmbH
- Park Kolonnaden (voiceover text presentation film), Potsdamer Platz Park Kolonnaden, Berlin
- 3D-VIZ.com (CD-Rom script), Cine Plus Media Service GmbH & Co. KG
- The United Nations Procurement Conference 2001 (diverse texts by Ernst Schwanhold and others), Scholz & Friends
- Habitat Agenda Conference NYC 2001 (conference texts and information), Habitat Forum Berlin
- UIA Berlin 2002 Press Release (for The XXI World Congress of Architecture, Berlin), Habitat Forum, Berlin,
- Baden-Württemburg Police Online (diverse texts), digital spirit GmbH